I love helping people and enjoy the technical side of financial planning. My job allows me to develop complex plans that are strategically sound and can be implemented to help normal people. I never tire of this. In the end, I love when clients are surprised to see how much they've progressed financially toward their goals and realize the fruits of their labors.
Nathan Williams, CPA, CFP®
Born: Phoenix, AZ 1979.
Family: Wife, Emily. Kids: Henry, Lily, Caroline, Louisa.
Education & Accreditations:
B.S. Accounting, Brigham Young University*
Masters of Accountancy, Brigham Young University*
Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
Certified Financial Planner ® (CFP®)
*BYU Accounting is consistently ranked as one of the top schools in the country (see here)
Prior Professional Experience:
Deloitte & Touche, LLP
Cain Watters & Associates, LLP
Practice Financial Group, LLC
Joined PFG:
February 16, 2010. Our company’s birthday.
What do you enjoy most about wealth management?
I love connecting with people and providing valuable service. I love spending time really listening and seeking to understand. Every one of my clients is so different. I love creating plans that are not only effective on paper, but finding ways to ensure successful implementation so goals are achieved.
What do you love most about Practice Financial Group?
I love and am proud of the culture we have been able to create. It’s unique; personally, I’ve never seen its equal. We put our clients first. As we’re making decisions we never ask, “what’s in it for us?” It’s all about our clients and their success. I love knowing that this is a place where, top to bottom, we are looking out for our clients.
Other than to pay bills, why is PFG in business?
For me this is an easy question: we want to make a difference for good in the world. I don’t believe that money buys happiness nor is it the solution to our problems. But it is definitely a strong tool, for good and evil. Our clients are good people. I believe that if we can help them become financially independent we can free them to live better lives, help more people, and make a stronger contribution for good.
What do you do at PFG?
I wear a lot of hats. Most important to me are my clients and giving them the best version of myself. I am their trusted advisor. To me this is a stewardship; I take this role and their trust very seriously.
Additionally, I’m the chief architect for a firm that we’re building to last another 150 years. Our goal is to make a difference for good in the world one financially independent doctor at a time.
What professional accomplishments are you most proud of?
Founding Practice Financial Group. In December 2009 it was an idea. By February 2010 I was working around the clock out of my living room trying to build systems, win clients, and materialize a vision and an ideal. Today we’re making a significant financial difference for dozens of doctors across the country.
What strengths of yours make you suited for what you do?
Passion. Vision. I’m reasonably intelligent and a very hard worker. And I have an undying, unbending loyalty to our clients.
What are your interests outside of work?
I love playing sports. Anything competitive. Walking and talking with my beautiful wife, Emily. Playing with my kids. Right now I’m reading the Harry Potter series out loud to my kids; we’re not getting as much sleep but we’re captivated; it’s so much fun!
What personal accomplishments are you most proud of?
My mission to southern Chile. My family: Emily, Henry, Lily, Caroline, and Louisa. They are my highest priority.