When you call us, you’ll know the voice on the other end of the phone. Putting you first is what we’re all about, and that goes beyond your investments. It means building an authentic and meaningful relationship.
Outside of your health, few things influence your standard of life more than how you manage your finances—for better or worse. So when you choose a financial planner to help you in this critical area of your life, we believe it should be someone you know personally and not a call center.
As a business owner yourself, you know the best long-term business and life strategies are built on honesty and integrity—always doing the right things for your customers. We know we can add value to your financial situation because we take the same approach to your investment portfolio.
Our Investing Methods

Caring about the well-being of our clients is the cornerstone of our firm. Without exception, our people are here to help you do more good in the world. We’re drawn to service, because we love to serve.

PFG Investments was built on the highest law, to the spirit and the letter, of fiduciary standards. Our guiding principle has always been to ask ourselves: “If I were a client of our firm what decision would I want my advisor to make?” We never waver from this standard.

When you’re working with something as important and far-reaching as your financial health, you want to know who you’re working with understands both the magnitude and minutiae of your personal and professional financial life. We specialize in working only with practice-owning dental and medical professionals, so we can provide you a truly unique service.

As an independently owned and operated business, our allegiance is exclusive to you. We provide fee-only investment advice, which means we receive zero compensation from the financial products we recommend. We answer to you and only you.

Financial decisions are not made in a vacuum. Every financial decision you make affects the other areas of your finances. An investment decision may influence your cash flow, how much you pay in taxes, or it may impact your debt burden. Our advice is comprehensive and built to examine the full spectrum of your financial life.

We don’t sit around and wait for our clients to bring us money to invest; we proactively help them build efficient financial systems in their business to cultivate funds to invest. As such, our average client invests far more than their peers.

Availability is our priority. When you have a question and need an answer, our promise is that you can reach us to have a conversation and have peace of mind.
Bottom Line
In 2018, our average client collected $1,432,560 of revenue.
With those collections, we helped them accomplish the following:
Profit Margin
Practice Financial Group clients on average have a 50% profit margin compared to 40% industry average.
*Your profit margin is the % of collections you keep after paying off your overhead expenses.
Our clients keep 10% more of their collections, than the average dentist.